Between winter weather, spring storms and sweltering summer days, there are many times when playing outside just isn’t an option for children. This can lead to a serious case of cabin fever, but thankfully, there are plenty of ideas for beating boredom indoors!...
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Why Playtime Matters in Raising Healthy Kids
Between researching healthy snacks and how to best encourage children to exercise, it is safe to say that parents do a lot when it comes to helping their child be as healthy as possible. The good news is, one of the healthiest things that children can do is...
Getting the Conversation Flowing: 5 Questions to Ask Your Kids
While there is nothing more precious than the bond between parent and child, in today’s chaotic world, it can seem more difficult than ever to keep that bond strong. Not only are children constantly growing and changing, but with the average child spending two...
How Drama Classes Can Help Your Child Interact with Others
While drama classes are a fun way to get your child out of the house and practicing a hobby, there are many real-world benefits of enrolling kids in drama classes as well. From boosting their confidence to furthering their public speaking skills, the effects...
Fun Ideas to Boost Kids’ Drama Skills at Home
There are many benefits to drama classes for children, including the development of public speaking and communication skills. increased confidence, emotional intelligence and self-expression. If you think your kids enjoy acting and drama-related activities,...
Helping Your Child Find Balance in Life
Balance—we all strive to find it, yet it’s something that even well into adulthood always seems to be difficult to grasp. Perhaps the best method to ensure our children are able to lead healthy, balanced lives in adulthood is to help them find ways to lead...
Public Speaking Doesn’t Have to Be Scary
No matter your age, for most people public speaking is an overwhelming and even terrifying thought. It’s because of this that one of our main goals at Drama Kids International is to help children improve their public speaking and communication skills, while...
Encouraging Eye Contact in the Age of “Text Neck”
Technology has led to many welcome advancements in our society, but it has also had some rather unintended impacts on overall health and well-being. One of those impacts is the development of “text neck.” The term “text neck” was created by a U.S....
Getting Your Child Back Into the Swing of a New School Year
Attention, parents, this is not a drill—back-to-school season is here! Emotions can run high at home with school starting back up for the year, but thankfully there are plenty of tips you can put into practice to help smooth over the process and help the entire...
Why Failing Sometimes Actually Benefits Children
Failure. It’s a word we all fear and strive to avoid, and yet, it’s one that perhaps we should embrace a bit more. Per the Merriam-Webster dictionary, failure is defined as an “omission of occurrence or performance” or more specifically, “a failing to perform a...
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant